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Personal Trainers
We are here to support you in successfully meeting, and surpassing your fitness goals. If you are new to the gym or have been out of the lifting game for a while, we recommend you start with one of our certified personal trainers. Why? Because fitness safety and training techniques, gym equipment, and knowledge about the body, change rapidly and we want to know you are getting the most out of your workouts. Our personal trainers will get you well on your way on the path of success.
Benefits of hiring a personal trainer?
Our personal trainers hold various certifications and qualifications to meet your specifc needs. tRAINERS AREable to properly assess your baseline fitness level as well as take into account any injuries or mobility concerns. A personal trainer can give you objective advice on where to start properly on your fitness journey and sensure that you are doing so effectively, but most importantly safely.
Individual Training plans
If you have some experience in the gym, but could use some guidance on getting more strategic about your training, our trainers can set up a customized training plan built specifically for you and your goals.
Join Fort Nelson Fitness and Athletics and Transform Your Body and Mind

Our mission is to create a safe and welcoming environment for humans of all levels of ability to train.
When you join Fort Nelson Fitness and Athletics you become a part of a community that wants to see you succeed. Whether you need advice or just a Welcome Back - our friendly and dedicated staff and membership have your back!

Make the best of your time in the gym by seeking out advice from our certified fitness professionals! Consistency and strategy produce results!

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